On Monday we did some P.E it was like this hoop game of tic tac toe.

But after school I had basketball training With my friends for basically 2 hours but when I got home I was exhausted.

Tuesday today we got to choose a sport that we would be doing like Football,Rugby,Netball and Hockey me personally I choose Football then we got put into 3 groups then we played a real match sort of the field was ten times smaller  and the goal was like 2 sticks. We got to choose the teams and we made the most unfair team that we could’ve. We also had dance.

Something that went well this week is Jhersea and Renz going to my house then we got fish and chips and went to Johns house.

One thing that challenged me this week was basketball training because no one was in shape.

I was not able to control the training of Mr Mitchell but what I can do is practice more in the weekdays and weekends.  One new thing I learned this week is about the library system across the road and that you get a card out for free with some documents.


My goal for next week is to get the first goal in the game by doing a lay up.

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