Week 4 Reflection

Something that well this week for me was monday netball against R2 we were destroying them so even the teachers had to help them and they cheated also but it still didn’t help them.

One thing that challenged me this week was basketball training was when I was defending against Olly a really fast kid that has a record of fasts sprint in NZ but I was actually keeping up with him so the coach told me just to stay on him  I never got the ball of him but I did slow him down.,

I was able to control it if I realized faster.

I also went to the buddhist temple Fo Guang Shan there was monks and we did calligraphy.

My goal for next week is to stop Olly from getting 2 goals.


Week 3 Reflection Term 2

On Monday We had P.E in the gym to played bench ball there were two teams My team VS Renz’s team they won sadly.

On Tuesday we played football my team tied with John’s team but if I was the goalie for the whole time  they had had no goals by the way.

Then on Wednesday we did normal learning with Mrs Cornish it was alright.

After that we had a half day on thursday so we got there at 11 or 12 we learned how to take peoples finger prints.

Now it’s friday so now we are making are reflection also my favorite part of the week was basketball training.

Week 2 Weekly Reflection Term 2

Something that went well this week was football for P.E. We did some training on tuesday for football and I also had basketball practice and I got a game tonight.

We also did a Blooket with another class about New Zealand history

One thing that challenged me was maths because we had to figure out the numbers but I didn’t know how to do it but now I do it Ms cornish showed me how to do it.

I was able to control the maths but then now I can do it.

My goal for next week is to get a reverse layup.

First Week Of Term 2

On Monday we did some P.E it was like this hoop game of tic tac toe.

But after school I had basketball training With my friends for basically 2 hours but when I got home I was exhausted.

Tuesday today we got to choose a sport that we would be doing like Football,Rugby,Netball and Hockey me personally I choose Football then we got put into 3 groups then we played a real match sort of the field was ten times smaller  and the goal was like 2 sticks. We got to choose the teams and we made the most unfair team that we could’ve. We also had dance.

Something that went well this week is Jhersea and Renz going to my house then we got fish and chips and went to Johns house.

One thing that challenged me this week was basketball training because no one was in shape.

I was not able to control the training of Mr Mitchell but what I can do is practice more in the weekdays and weekends.  One new thing I learned this week is about the library system across the road and that you get a card out for free with some documents.


My goal for next week is to get the first goal in the game by doing a lay up.