Music This Term

My name is Riley. This term we have being learning about music with the wonderful Mr Rea. What I learned during music is how to play E on Guitar and also how to play Ode to joy on the piano and how to play the bass one extra thing we learned how to play the drums. My favorite part of music was when we got to play classcraft and the keyboard one thing I tried was the bass and I really enjoyed it. My least favourite part of music had to be making posters but still nothing was bad it was just a time to relax I really liked music and I hope we can do it again -Riley


A fateful morning bringing a gleaming light inside of the meerkats tremendous barrow. I then woke from my spectacular,splendid,slumber then I tumbled down the pile of fur. Then I approached the exit then looked left then right for predators then I decided to make my way out. 


Then I looked at the humongous tree. The burning scorching light of the sahara blinded me temporarily. But at that moment I saw a beautiful pomegranate fruit . I thought I was in a dream because of how astonishing it looked. Then I smelled it, then cherished it and had the thought of eating it, then I let my brothers smell It after that we swayed our bodies left and right and it felt like we were hypnotised. 


But all our hopes almost vanished. A big vicious vulture made us tremble like an earthquake. We sprinted back to the den. The vulture was toying with us. He took our precious fruit and we had to make him pay. 


We got out of the den and we sprinted as fast as a cheetah hunting it’s prey and  We’d managed to catch up to It I jumped and then I grabbed the vulture’s talons. As he started to fly my brothers jumped on to me then he went higher to shake us off but we prevailed on our mission. But then he did a summer salt in the air shaking us off in the process but then I caught the fruit.


I paused for a second but then the vulture came straight back after us so I passed it to one of my brother like a champ. Then he passed it to the next; so on but the vulture intercepted the fruit .It started plummeting back down to the  We landed on the vultures back in a pyramid shape but he threw us off. We tried to dive for it but the vulture made it before us but he got to cocky with his smug looking face and he hit the cliffside face first of the lion rock.


The fruit started to roll down the long red cliffside. I sprinted as fast as I could  straight towards it but it went a little over my head but my brothers caught it easily. We started some rugby passes and went down the line then back. 


We pushed forward and we charged head first into the battle we had done it. Victory was on the other side it was like if it was the 1995 Rugby world cup New zealand Vs japan 145-17.


I knew what I had to do. I grabbed the ball, dropped It a specific angle ;I got a beautiful dropper. It went flying like the vulture and it went straight through the orange leaf tree goal post then splat!!! 

Click this for vid


Diwali a festival celebrated by people from India its called the festival of light Its on November 1st.

The music that is played on Diwali is Aarti it is a form of music that is a praise to the Hinduism gods.

A form of dance that people do on Diwali is Odissi it is a traditional dance that has been practiced more hundreds of years.

On Diwali  they play a lot of special instruments like a Mridangam it is like a  bongo there also is a tamborine heres a photo of a Mridangam.

Here’s a link to a Diwali celebration Click here


Riley’s ball theory.


My hypothesis is that the marble is going to go further because it’s got more density and it is smaller so it would go further cause with a ramp and also gravity determines the results as far it will travel.





Marble 1 4.7                     Ping Pong 1 5.6/7

Marble 2 5.6                    Ping Pong 2 5.8

Marble 3  4.3                   Ping pong 3 6.2





Chair X1

Ping Pong ball X1

marble X1

ruler X3


we first put the rulers on the wall in a certain place so the ball would roll further we also used the chairs as a support beam ready to catch the rulers if it fell then we made a little track for it to go on.



The ping pong ball went further but are theory didn’t work but If I would change something it would be a different ball like a golf ball then I would probably change our ramp design. In conclusion this experiment would of went better if we made a different design for the ramp